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就是因为中国大陆也是一座火山。内地老百姓的反抗此起彼伏,如果跟香港的抗争结合起来,火山一旦爆发,中共分分钟会被灭的渣都不剩。但我们看到自2019 年香港200 万人走上街头反送中以来,尽管是以和平,理性,非暴力的方式持续了很长一段时间,声势足够大了,港共政府却丝毫没有退缩,反而更加变本加厉地残害香港民众!



所有人可以非常简便的,用手机就可以,有那种App 的软件可以扫描指纹的,也可以用口红,用墨水,用印泥,把你的脚拇指的指纹采下来,然后拍下来上传到我们的网站上。









所有加入本契约并年满18 周岁的中国人自动成为“中国公民制宪大会”成员,平等行使本契约约定的诸项权力。

全民大契约发起人、契约文本写作者: 李塬

All Citizens’ Compact

Initiated and written by: Yuan Li

We, the people from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and everywhere in the world,under witness of all the righteous people in the international community, hereby make this Compact according to the SupremeLaws and Unalienable Rights:

We acknowledge that all the people are born with the power to be independent andnot be governed by anyone else, based on which, by our own will, we are establishing a new China formed by autonomous groups that warrant the power of the people.

We hereby make and adhere to the laws that can be revised or abolished based on the need of people’s autonomy.

We establish a government that satisfies the needs of the people.We supervise the operation of the government, adjust the formation of the government, disband or re-group the government based on the needs of the people.

We protect people’s right to participate and implement in the above-mentioned process.

Based on the Compact and the common understanding of our people, we consider any government to be illegitimate without open and fair election or true authorization of its people.At the same time, based on all the historical records of severe violations of human rights, we unanimously find the Chinese Communist Party to be an illegal organization, so are all of its sub-divisional governments including that of Hong Kong, and all levels of the Chinese Communist Party to its entirety, and that all their crimes must be tried and punished.

We willingly submit our toe prints as proof of signing the 《All Citizens’ Compact》,to its full authenticity and validity.

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